Friday 22 May 2009

Chalk drawing

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"My circle is the sun because I am making a happy sun, with grey clouds, with great big shiny lines around it, so it's happy", said Amelia.

"I wrote a 'y'", said Tyra. "A green sun, a circle", she also said.

"Grass is for when the people run, the people can walk on it to go to the stuff, the (play) ground stuff, slide and swings and heaps of stuff", said Amelia.

"This is the sea, just mixing up colours on it (the other side of her picture)", said Tyra.

"Outside, the lines are for stairs, the circle bits on the lines are for holding on, said Amelia.

Both Tyra and Amelia described their chalk drawings as they added more colours, shapes and characters. Their ideas of stories, colour and people expanded as they verbally expressed their creations more.

"Children are encouraged to talk about their play and to develop reflective skills", Exploration, Te Whaariki. Jessie

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