Wednesday 23 November 2011

Straight after the Kapa Haka

Not long after we arrived back from seeing the Kapa Haka concert at Onekawa School.
Emily, Isabella, Jack and Zoe found the poi's and started spinning them around like they had seen being done at the school. All the girls said, "You go like this, this is where the poi goes, hahaha", (as they placed the poi's in the front parts of their t-shirts and dresses). From this I could see that the children had been really interested and taken back by the Kapa Haka as they reinacted what they had seen. Through these experiences children are able to link experiences from outside the centre and bring these experiences back into the centre and act these out in their play. These children were able to learn about the New Zealand Maaori culture, some have been exposed to Kapa Haka groups before and others hadn't. Zoe shared that her sister's in the Kapa Haka, she said to me, "that's not my sisters Kapa Haka, my sisters has a different one". I enjoyed seeing you children show confidence and act these dances out.

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