Tuesday 8 November 2011

Marley's swat painting

I set up fly swat painting in the art room one morning last week. When Marley arrived he came down to say hello, and noticed Cian doing a painting. 'I do a painting too', Marley said to me, hoping on a seat in front of a piece of paper. Marley dipped the swatter in the yellow paint and slapped it on the paper. He paused and looked at the pattern it made, and then continued slapping down the swatter, over and over. Marley looked over at Cian and that was also what he was doing with his picture. I think Marley also liked the noise it made as it hit the table. It made little splatter effects on his paper as well. Marley then moved on to choosing another colour.

Children develop different ways to be creative and expressive, including a range of different mediums. In this instance, Marley was exploring colours, patterns, textures and cause and effect.


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