Tuesday 26 April 2011

Rionagh climbs

Rionagh loves to do all sorts of things while she is in dress-up clothes. She dangled herself on the monkey bars. Rionagh continues to grow her confidence in climbing the green boxes and walking across the planks. I helped scaffold her along, sometimes Rionagh thinks she can't walk along the planks but she is capable, it's just a matter of growing her confidence. Over time I have encouraged her from holding my hand to holding my shoulder, this way Rionagh is still able to feel confident that someone is there to catch her, at the same time it is stretching Rionagh's capabilities and encouraging her to practice her climbing skills, as she likes to repeatedly go backwards and forwards along the planks. At times Rionagh would put her arms out either side of her, I encouraged her to do this and I told her it helps her body to balance as she walks along the plank. Keep up the great climbing skills Rionagh you are doing very well.


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