Tuesday 26 April 2011

Dye dropper

I had set up an art experience in the art room, Zoe was busy with box construction then a little bit later she came over and asked what I was doing, I replied, "I'm just getting the dye pots out". "I wanna do one", she said. So I got a piece of paper for Zoe, at first she was a little unsure how to use the squirt droppers so I showed her how it was done. Zoe then had a turn, it took a few tries then she got the hang of the technique. Zoe became very concentrated on what she was doing carefully choosing her colours then skirting them onto different areas of her paper. I could see that Zoe really enjoyed this creative experience, part way through her picture she said, "Look at my picture", showing how impressed she was with her work.

This art experience allows Zoe to be self expressive, she is developing her fine motor skills by grasping the dropper then squeezing it to get the dye onto her picture. She was able to communicate to me that she was unsure how to use the dropper showing problem solving skills, then I was able to teach her how to use them.

Her picture is in her profile book if you would like to see it.


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