Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Lyrique and Charlotte's singing and dancing

After listening to a few songs and playing with the musical instruments, Lyrique requested the 'It's a rainbow song'. She had the coloured ribbons all ready and was excited about singing to this song. It wasn't on the ipod so I went off to try and find the CD. When I came back with it, Lyrique was jumping up and down and already singing the song. When it started playing, Lyrique started singing straight away. She wasn't fazed by the noise and business, just as long as she could hear the song. Charlotte was also dancing with her colourful ribbons, and Lyrique involved her in her dance and Charlotte really liked that.

Children develop confidence to sing songs, and to experiment with chants and pitch patterns. Children gain confidence in the ability to move and control their body (Te Whariki).

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