Friday 4 March 2011

Caring for KIDSPACE

At KIDSPACE we encourage the children to care for our environment, so it was no surprise when today, as I was scrubbing the tables, three helpers, Jorja, Mana, and Lexi, came to lend a helping hand. They did a wonderful job, and really put in some elbow grease when trying to remove the stubborn PVA glue that had stuck to the surface.
It is wonderful to witness children taking responsibility for KIDSPACE resources and taking pride in their environment. They were able to remain focused and see the task to completion.
They also demonstrated the ability to negotiate, when deciding who was going to use what to do the job.
Jorja, Mana, and Lexi are developing skills in caring for the environment, such as cleaning,fixing, gardening, and helping others with self-care skills, as well as initiating, maintaining, and enjoying a relationship with other children - including taking turns, problem solving, and negotiating.


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