Tuesday 28 April 2009

The Last of the Wakely Whanau arrives! Finally...

Introducing AIMEE MARGARET WAKELY. Aimee was unzipped (elective c-section) on the 14th April 2009 at 2.38pm, 7pound 4oz, by who some of us have given the title "McDreamy!" (Jeremy Meates of you who are in the know!) Ten days early, Aimee didnt want to be welcomed by our big world - floppy and not breathing for a minute or so but soon to scream out to the world "Here I am!" for the next half an hour. Since then, now two weeks old, Aimee hardly makes a noise, has put herself into a pretty great routine - touch wood - and making our lives complete. Lochie was yet again disappointed that another pinky has popped out - he looooongs for a brother. But he is coming to terms that he reamains king of the farm forever and no-one can take that from him! Mollie on the other hand - by geeepers! Mollie is not coping by any means that she no longer has her mummy all to herself (tantrums by the dozen!) and that Aimee has somehow stolen her favourite love. Me! Im hoping time will cure this. Anyway, washing to hang and fold, carpet to vacuum, tv and toffeepops to devour! Take care everyone, miss you all....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jude It was so lovely seeing your beautiful wee baby the other day - sorry I was a bit slow on the uptake and never got a photo for the blog.