Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Hot hot weather

Due to the hotter weather we thought it would be nice for the children to have nice cold ice-blocks and make them ourselves. So Luke, Mollie, Libby and I set off for a walk to the Onekawa New World Supermarket. We purchased some watermelon and luncheon for morning tea then Mollie, Libby and Luke helped choose the flavour of the juice for their ice blocks. Libby choose apple and lime then Luke and Mollie choose orange. They were all very keen to help hold the ingredients Mollie and Libby both carried the shopping basket and Luke held the luncheon. We then sat on the grass near Onekawa Kindergarten for a drink of water as it was sooooo hot(thirsty weather) then headed

back towards the alley way back to KIDSPACE. Through this experience the children are learning about the wider world and how it operates for instance we purchase food with money and they can revisit experiences they have had at home where they have been to the supermarket with family or friends to do the shopping. Mollie shared experiences about making ice-blocks at home and Libby said, "mum gave her some ice-blocks. It provided opportunities for early literacy looking at different numbers on the letter box and talking about other things of interest to the children like the movie 'despicable me'.

Later that afternoon some of the older children helped pour the juice and a little bit of water into the ice-block makers, we then put them into the freezer. This offered opportunities to talk about science, and talk about how the liquid turns into ice when you put it into the freezer due to very cold temperatures.


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