Thursday 16 September 2010

Water play fun

As the weather is getting warmer, waterplay seems to be of more interest! Particulary with the older group of girls. Yesterday, Jorja, Acacia, Emily, Isabella and Paige had a great time playing with the water in the sand pit. We had the hose and water tap set up, and the girls, as well as Jack and Noah at one point, each had their own bucket or container. They stood in line waiting to fill it up, and then took it away to do different things with it. Acacia liked to just tip it on the sand then go back for more. Jorja preferred to mix her water with sand in a bucket with a spoon. Paige was filling up a muffin tray with her water, and Jack was tipping his on his truck! Noah had a yellow watering can and used that to 'water' his truck and pour on the sand.

The children were learning about early numeracy e.g. measurement and mass (heavy, light, big, small), transportation, turn taking, making discoveries, active thinking and exploration of a range of materials and properties.

"Children experience an envrionment where their play is valued as meaningful learning and the importance of spontaneous play is recognised" (Te Whaariki).


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