Friday 25 September 2009

BIG rig

Today was EIT student Kaylie's last day at KIDSPACE. Following her child-driven theme on transport, she organised for her Dad and his truck to visit us at KIDSPACE.
The truck parked in the driveway and we had turns to climb in the cab and listen to the horn blast.
Noah turns the steering wheel with Kaylie, Netana on board, Eneri about to jump down from the cab as Isaac awaits his turn, Theo taking in the view from high in the cab, Sarah and Taylah enjoy the soft seats, Joaquin and Charlie discuss the trucks buttons and controls and Chardanae stands on the back of the truck.

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1 comment:

Noah's mum said...

Wow what a cool idea Kaylie!
Noah has never been in a truck before.. but is really interested in them when he sees them drive past! I'm sure he enjoyed it!