Wednesday 16 May 2012

Staff Update

I am currently conducting a review of our present staffing and looking at different options for replacing Monica.  If you would like to share your thoughts with me about staffing (or anything else about KIDSPACE), I would be very willing to listen.  I can be contacted in person, by phone or email at any time of the day or evening. Alternatively, the contact details for our two parent reps are on the noticeboard above the sign in sheet. Also, our missing suggestion box has been replaced and is now attached to the end of the parent library shelf.

Recently, we have been very pleased to welcome back two well-loved teachers.  Jude is now doing some regular hours each week plus some day-to-day relieving.  Lepa is filling in for student teachers while they are on their practicum placements in other centres.  We also welcome Melody, a primary trained relieving teacher.

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