Monday 30 April 2012

We're going on a Squeezy hunt

The children were playing outside, when Ruby noticed Squeezy in the bushes. His favourite place to play! Ruby quite likes Squeezy and enjoys looking after him and feeding him.  When he was spotted in the grass bushes, it turned into a game.  Although it wasn't time to find Squeezy and put him away, it turned into a 'find Squeezy' game.

The children began diving and crawling in and out of the bushes, trying to find him.  After a few minutes, they stopped looking for him and pretended to be him!  Ruby and Joshua were the instigators of it all, with Marley, Cian and Lucas not far behind.

Its important for children's self-esteem and sense of humour/fun, that we recognise the value of spontanous play.


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