It was mid morning and Cleo's mum had dropped her off. She sat in the art room and ate her ginger bread man. Paige had noticed this and approached me and said, "Tamara can we please make ginger bread men?", I replied, "Sure, after morning tea we can." Paige smiled. Once morning tea was finished I gathered all the ingredients together. Gradually word got out that we were doing some baking. Lots of children flocked to the table. We had Seth, Paige, Lexi, Jaz, Anika, Taneesha, Ruby, Rionagh, Cleo, Ahlyna and Lucas, who all helped with the baking process. There were lots of repeated questions from Lexi and Ruby. "Can I have a turn?, Can I have a turn?." I reiterated that we would all get a turn at doing something. Ruby continued to ask. "Remember what I said Ruby", I replied. She said, "Oh, yeah." Paige stayed right to the end of the baking process. Even when lunch was ready she continued to roll the dough and cut out more ginger bread. We measured out the sugar, flour, baking soda, milk and ginger. The children were very eager and enjoying this baking experience. What a great opportunity it was to gain practice in early mathematical skills, like measuring, quantity and volume. They built on language concepts such as, 'Fill to the top'; 'fill half a cup'; 'a quarter of a cup'. These are all skills that can be learnt through baking. The children were able to communicate with each other, practice listening skills, turn take, learn patience and be involved.