Thursday 10 December 2009

As the warmer weather approaches

It was getting hotter and it was time to get our new big paddling pool out. I asked a few children if they wanted a swim and of course a lot of children were keen. They quicky rushed around checking they had spare clothes for afterwards. Laker, Elijah, Charlie, Eneri, Tyra, Donnagh, Te Kira and Sarah all jumped, giggled and splashed they had so much fun together. Corbin was in charge of the hose he enjoyed putting the hose water over the other children. He kindly shared a turn with Tyra then after Tyra Ben had a turn. The big children were really good at letting Rionagh come in for a splash they were very careful and respectful. Well children you had a blast and there will be many more fun times in the paddling pool.
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