Thursday 15 October 2009


Noah hasn't always been sure of messy play, but as he's growing up he becomes more interested and takes the plunge
to try new things out. Where as Sophie on the other hand has always had a passion for messy play, when there is messy play Sophie is right there making the most of every opportunity to explore. She loved the slime, she initiated putting her feet onto the slime to see how it felt and Noah copied. A few times Sophie slipped a little bit, she said, "Woo, slippery" I thought this might put her off but she continued to slide around. Rory also is very much into messy play he particularly likes to run it through his fingers, then smooth it all out. Through this experience Sophie, Noah and Rory showed curiosity they were involved in playfulness and communication they used words to express how the slime felt.

By Tamara


Noah's mum said...

I reckon one evening you should have the parents in so we can have a go at playing with the slime!
Looks like so much fun!

Could you please put up the recipe on the blog?


KIDSPACE Quality Early Learning Centre said...

We had planned to have some of the children's activities for families to try out at the KIDSPACE at Sunset picnic tea but hadn't thought of having slime - will definitely have it when we reschedule for the new grass party (but not on the grass because it kills it!). irene