Wednesday, 3 June 2009


Hello KIDSPACE family

I went to an attachment course through the Early Childhood Council and thought I would share what we talked about when it comes to attachment. 

A few bullet points:
-No set formula, it's about relationships
-Attachment is like a foundation
-The human brain develops 70% of it's structure after birth, all learning takes place in relationships, without it the process stops.

Creating healthy attachments
-Proximity-child wants to be near you, learn from you
-Sensitivity-knowledge about the baby
-Responsiveness-to what has captured babies attention, following that through

-Reading and responding to cues

"Think about how to bring responsiveness more and more," is what Sarah Farquer said

We talked about Primary caregiving
Primary attachments-the person who does the bulk of the care and to whom the child will go to in times of need. This happens within the centre, but primarily all of the parents are the children's FIRST caregiver/teacher.

We then talked about secondary caregiver, for instance when I have my office day Louise is the secondary caregiver who the under two's have a relationship with, she knows their routines and rhythms.

Primary care model
"Children need someone familiar, trusted, safe, to be intimate with, especially around times of nappy changing, sleeping, tired times. Not just any person will do anytime," said Sarah Farquher, the Early Childhood Council CEO).

Are we a breastfeeding friendly centre?, do we promote it? what support is their for mothers with children in childcare.
these are some of the things that were talked about.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your PD with us Tamara.
Attachment is so important for our little people. Some parents may not be aware of the importance of their baby or young child having a secure attachment, particularly in regard to their child's learning and development.
Perhaps you could share some examples of how the under two children have attachment with their primary caregiver( yourself). Examples may help some parents with a better understanding of what attachment is.
Thanks heaps