Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Looking after squeesy

When I was cleaning out Squeesy's hutch, and replenshing his food and water, Ruby and Rionagh came over to help. "Can I pleeease hold squeesy?" asked Ruby. "Of course you can" I replied. "Go and grab a towel from the cupboard and we'll wrap him up in that". Ruby raced off to get a towel and returned ready to hold squeesy. I scouped him up in the towel and sat him comfortably on Ruby's knee. "We need some leaves to feed him!" exclaimed Ruby. "I'll get them, i'll get them" said Rionagh. So she ran off to the garden to find some greenery. Hannah saw what Rionagh was doing and began to help as well. Ruby held squessy with care and concern while the other children carefully held out leaves for him to nibble on.

Max and Jaz also came over to see squeesy and everyone was requesting a hold. Max had a turn holding on to squessy next. Max carefully watched what squessy was doing while the other children continued to feed him. I reminded Max to hold him firmly as he might jump out. The children laughed as they thought he might sneak away!

Rionagh had a turn holding squeesy next, but wanted to sit on my knee while she held him. Rionagh held a leaf right in front of his mouth, and he nibbled away very fast. She though this was so funny, and began telling the others. "He's hungry!!" Rionagh said. "He even bit my finger before!" said Ruby.

I had a lovely little group of children that showed genuine concern for squeesy and for looking after his needs. They knew they needed to hold him gently, and only rub his back, and not near his eyes. They recognised that he was very hungry as he was eating heaps of leaves.

After about 15 minutes he was starting to get restless so we decided to put him back in his hutch. Jaz carefully carried him over and I helped her to place him down in this hay.

Through experiences with animals, children develop empathy, care and concern and learn knowledge about how to care for animals (Te Whariki).


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