Thursday 9 February 2012

Number painting

Over the Chirstmas break, I bought some number sponges to help promote math concepts within painting experiences.

I set up the sponges with a range of colours on the table on the deck. Cian, Hannah, Noah and Zoe all chose a spot at the table, straight away.

I showed the children what I had bought, and laid the numbers out in order zero through to nine, and began counting. Hannah and Noah started counting with me straight away.

Noah was keen on using the number two. Hannah wanted to try using every sponge, so she could have every number on her page. Zoe took her time to carefully choose which number she wanted, before putting it to her paper. She looked at the numbers to decide which way was the right way up. Cian quite liked using numbers three and four. Perhaps these are numbers he can relate to?

Exploring mathematical concepts can encourage creativity, perseverance and self-confidence., as well as providing the basis of early numeracy recognition.

Written by Ainslee

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