Tuesday 11 October 2011

Marble painting

(Double click to enlarge)

I set up marble painting for the children out on the deck last week. The children took a huge interest in this, all eager for a spot at the table. I had a range of colours for the children to choose from. They took turns at placing their paper in the tray, then spooning paint on to the paper. Once they had enough paint, they placed big and small marbles in the tray and turned it side to side and all over the show, to get the marbles rolling around. Jack and Donnagh tipped their trays really high to make their marbles move fast, and it created a really neat affect on their paper. All of the children had different ways of creating their marble picture, and had fun doing so.

Children develop and discover different ways to be creative and expressive through the use of colours, patterns, shapes and designs.


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