Thursday, 23 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Interest in making necklaces
Monday, 13 December 2010
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Baking gingerbread men
Friday, 3 December 2010
Musical tones
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Volcano in the sandpit
After lunch today, Donnagh, Jorja, Hannah and Libby were all playing in the sandpit. To do something fun and exciting, I suggested that we make a volcano! The children love doing this, because its something different to just digging. We started by building our mountain of sand. We all found a spade and built the sand higher and higher. I went and found the ingredients we needed.. baking soda, vinegar and purple dye. Donnagh found a cup and we placed that in the top. I tipped some baking soda in, Jorja added the dye, and then for the first one, Donnagh added the vinegar, which was the last ingredient to mix in, to make it go all foamy! When it came out of the top, the children went 'wow', and instantly began touching it. The children look turns at adding the vinegar because that was the fun part. We kept experimenting by adding more soda or vinegar etc, to see how they would react together. Donnagh and I began talking about real volcano's and what happens when they erupt. Donnagh knew about rocks flying out, and I added that hot lava comes streaming out sometimes too.
"Children experience an envrionment where they develop working theories for making sense of the natural, social, physical and material worlds" (Exploration, Te Whariki).
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Happy birthday Tamara
Planting sunflowers take two

The last lot of sunflowers we planted where all eaten by slugs that very night. So today with help our friends planted more sunflower seedlings. This time we.... cut out clear water bottles and ginger beer bottles to place in the garden around our seedlings to STOP all pests the slugs. Here Emily places her seedling very carefully in the hole she dug with a trowel. Other friends such as Donnagh, Paige, Libby, Jorja and Isabella also assisted. Lets see what these seedling look like tomorrow...
Invitations to neighbours
After lunch the older children with Ann, Mohanan and Jessie walked around our KIDSPACE community posting invitations in the neighbours letterboxes. We are inviting the neighbours to hear our Christmas songs and share morning tea with us, on Monday 6th December before our big children's Christmas concert on Saturday 11th December, at Onekawa Park.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Vacuum cleaner bags
Monday, 22 November 2010
A new home for Murphy?
First Aid
Central School Concert
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Goodbye JoJo
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Ashton is passionate about sand and water
Walk to the supermarket

It was a sunny day so I thought it would be nice for Aimee, Travis and Jaz to go for a ride in the pram to the supermarket. Our temporary student Louise came with us also. On the way Jaz spotted a dog. Travis and her got quite excited, she wasn't to happy when it went in the opposite direction though. On arrival we got a few ingrediants like cream of tartar, cheese and a new cheese grater. Travis helped hold the cheese in the pram and Jaz held the cream of tartar. Aimee must have been tired because not long after arriving at the supermarket she fell asleep in the pram. Once we paid for everything we made our way back to KIDSPACE, Travis pointed out the big green rubbish bins (his favourite), and noticed a cat once again Jaz and Travis made excited noises and pointing, to what they saw walking along the grass.
This group of children enjoyed there time, exploring what they could see on their walk. They are also developing awareness of the wider world of the supermarket and how it works.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Guinea pigs visit

Acacia really liked the multi-coloured one and gave him lots of cuddles throughout the day. Xavier also liked the multi-coloured one and enjoyed giving him a little pat. Jordan and Jordan's Mum enjoyed giving the white and grey one a little pat. From the guinea pig visit, children were learning how to care for the well-being of the baby Guinea pigs. Exploration- Te Whaariki.