Today we had a kowhai (yellow) Daffodil Day, this is what it meant to us...
"Because it's Daffodil Day", said Chardanae.
"Cause flowers grow, 'cause it's Spring", said Tyra.
Jasper commented, "Um, because it's Daffodil Day, it's Spring for all trees and flowers to grow".
"Put them (money) in the box for cancer people", said Tyra. "People sick at (the) doctors and at home", added Jasper.
"It's money for people who have cancer, that it means (cancer) that you are very sick", said Eneri.
"(We had) paint and dust (powder paint) on the table, that was yellow", discussed Elijah and Eneri.
Maia added "(we) dressed up in clothes, yellow clothes".
"We put on our face paint, ourselves", said Sarah.