Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Slip 'n' slide action shots

As the warmer weather has decided to finally come around, we have made the most of the slip 'n' slide. The children had an absolute ball running and sliding down the slide, we used dishwashing liquid to make it more slippery. Children took turns at holding the hose and waited patiently for their turns. What a fun, social time they all had!!


Ice bowl

Towards the start of January our reliever Rachel thought the children would like to explore this ice bowl, so she brought it in especially for the children. When I put it onto the table it caught the attention from a group of children. They noticed that there were flowers inside the ice bowl. The sun was hot that day so it started to melt quite fast, children examined it in different ways, Maia liked licking it, Bella held it up to her face as there were holes in the ice for her to look through, Oscar used his hands to feel the cold ice. As it carried on melting it became eaiser for the children to break bits off, this is what Jack, Ahlyna and Thadeus did, they all had a piece each to play with and roll around on the table. I talked to the children about some simple science concepts such as melting, liquid and different discriptive words were used in conversations with the children.


Going for a walk

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Friday, 27 January 2012

Pediatricians Promote Play

"Play is essential to the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being of children beginning in early childhood. It is a natural tool for children to develop resiliency as they learn to cooperate, overcome challenges, and negotiate with others. Play also allows children to be creative. It provides time for parents to be fully engaged with their children, to bond with their children, and to see the world from the perspective of their child. However, children who live in poverty often face socioeconomic obstacles that impede their rights to have playtime, thus affecting their healthy social-emotional development. For children who are under resourced to reach their highest potential, it is essential that parents, educators, and pediatricians recognize the importance of lifelong benefits that children gain from play."

Article from the Early childhood exchange.


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Happy Birthday Joshua

On the 22nd December, Joshua celebrated his 4th birthday at KIDSPACE, with all his friends and teachers. His mum, Debbie, made him an awesome red fire truck cake. The children enjoyed looking at it, but loved eating it even more. We sung Happy Birthday and Joshua blew out his candles.


Messy play madness

Messy play is still a favourite here at KIDSPACE. Yesterday I made the cornflour and water gloop mixture, with purple dye. Within seconds of pouring it onto the table, Jack, Taneesha and Maia were sliding their hands through it. I sat down along side the children and explored the gloop with them. Ruby and Thadeus also joined the table at this time. 'Wow this stuff is cool", said Ruby. "This is the stuff that is hard and then goes soft and runny aye" said Jack. It was great to see the children initating interactions between themselves, particulary the 4 year olds, Jack and Ruby. They included Taneesha, Maia and Thadeus by talking to them about what they were doing, as well as being a role model. A favourite thing they like to do with the gloop is to grab a handful and then hold their hands up and let it drip from their hands on to the table. Jack started doing this, and everyone else followed. Ruby started a game by catching everyone elses gloop drips from their hands, and then everyone else joined in. Maia was really enjoying the feel of it, particulary smothering her hands with it and letting them soak in it. A fun time had by all, including myself!


Monday, 16 January 2012

Happy Birthday Max

Today Max celebrated his 3rd Birthday with all his KIDSPACE friends.
We sung Happy Birthday and watched as he blew out his candles then shared some yummy muffins that Jane, his mum, had made.

Happy Birthday Isabella

Last Friday we also celebrated Isabella's Birthday. She too, donned gown and hat and received her certificate from Irene. After all her friends sung Happy Birthday and Happy school days, she joined Emily in the cutting of the cake which was enjoyed by all.
Happy School days Isabella.

Happy Birthday Emily

Last Friday we celebrated Emily's fifth Birthday and graduation. She got to wear our KIDSPACE graduation gown and hat, and was presented with her leaving certificate.
Happy school days Emily.
