St Patrick's day was a very green affair... we had wigs, rugby socks, t-shirts, dresses, headbands, trousers, face paint also fruit, vegies and muffins for morning tea all coloured kakariki. Then there was the shamrock bow tie, mask, hair clips (donated by the Gallaghers) hats and rosettes. Charlie picked a small bunch of four leaf clovers for KIDSPACE too.
Sadly apart from this photo of Isaac, Donnagh, Eneri, Charlie and Oly in all their Irish best we have no other photos of this day. Possibly someone deleted all of our photos from the second camera by accident (this is what can happens when our children are so advanced in ICT use). But we have the memories, and these stories...
Theo said "I like playing with friends".
"I liked putting a hair clip on my head", added Caelyn.
Donnagh commented "I like my t-shirt... IRISH".
Charlie said "Leaves, I brought from my home, a four leaf clover".
"The green paint, the one we are putting on our face", Isaac liked best.
"I like my orange t-shirt", added Oly.
Maia shared "I like the music, it's Irish".
Ruby commented "I like my green wig".
"I like the face painting", said Sarah.
Netana added "T-shirt".
"I like the green painting and the leaves", said Taylah and
Eneri lastly "I like the flags we painted and my rugby t-shirt".